You are currently viewing Thursday, August 29, 1968

Thursday, August 29, 1968

Journal: I registered in high school today. Man! I really have some swinging classes. Mr. Kannasto (oh no) will be teaching chorus, which I have 1st period. What a way to start a day! I have Mr. Davis 3rd period for Biology. He was okay as a 7th grade science teacher (although a little tough) I guess. I get late lunch again this year, which I really like. Mom and I also stopped at the Phoenix Drug Store to buy Aunt LaVaugn a birthday present. We got her some Friendship Garden cologne, which is really groovey. We are going to Grants Pass for a birthday dinner for Aunt LaVaugn and Frank (Krugers). It ought to be fun. Well, today I worked on my blue dress for a little while. Guess that’s all for now –


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