Read more about the article Monday, September 23, 1968
This morning, our bus was really crowded!

Monday, September 23, 1968

Journal: This morning, our bus was really crowded! There was three to a seat practically in every seat. Dan Emry is still sick – with flu or something. Saw John Sweeny today – big deal! Today wasn’t very exciting as days go – but fun enough. So long for now,


Read more about the article Monday, September 9, 1968
Today was the first day of school

Monday, September 9, 1968

Journal: Today was the first day of school – really neat! I wore my 4-H green jumper and blouse with my baby doll shoes. Say, Allen Shearin is in two of my classes, and he is a senior! Real neat. There will be a revival this year as God is working in our student executive council. It will be such a great year! Tonight we had a small meeting for the banquet – I can feel Satan trying to destroy it, but God is bigger, so our banquet, through Christ, should be really great! Dan Emry is changing – starting to be led by the Holy Spirit. I must still pray for him and Judy that they might be better off because of it. Dan is my friend – I know that for sure now, but I don’t want Judy mad at me, so will have to be very careful. God is leading in such a wonderful way in so many things. I must be faithful to do my part (no matter how small!) Sometimes I get such a swelled head. I get sick of me along with others! God can help me! I know He is so very REAL! So long for now!


P.S. Got a real neat letter from Ursula Stienke today – real cute! So long!

Read more about the article Friday, August 16, 1968
Nothing real exciting has happened yet but there is some news to tell.

Friday, August 16, 1968

Journal: Nothing real exciting has happened yet, but there is some news to tell. Karen Cox just called me, and I guess the whole family is down from Myrtle Creek visiting at her grandparents. Dan Emry is there, too, so Karen will have a chance to get better acquainted, that is if Judy McIntire doesn’t mind. A wee bit of cattyness there as Judy is Dan’s girlfriend for whom I feel little sympathy. Judy & I are of two different worlds. Tonight the movie, A Shot in the Dark with Peter Sellers is on. It ought to be good as Peter Sellers plays a dumb, fumbling detective who somehow manages to catch his man.

I also packed for camp today – I’m going to a Nazarene church camp with Patsy Shearin. So long for now!


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