Read more about the article Sunday, October 6, 1968
Today was the Talent Friends Church 25th anniversary.

Sunday, October 6, 1968

Journal: Today was the Talent Friends Church 25th anniversary. There were some real challenging thoughts given in the morning service by Supt. Jack Wilcuts and also in the evening service by Rev. Clark Smith. I keep praying that Jesus will work in our youth group, but at times it really does seem rather futile. I guess Satan gave me that idea. Brother! Well, yesterday was the 1st day of hunting season, and the 1st time I ever went hunting. All I saw though was 9 (does and fawns drat it!) deer. The only buck I saw was a dead one being taken out!

Friday night we played Illinois Valley, but I had to go to bed early and didn’t get to go to the game. This coming Friday night, we play Lakeview, (Homecoming) our toughest game as it will probably decide who gets the Rogue League title. I sure do hope we win! Above is an article on our game with Illinois Valley (around Butte Falls area). We really stomped them – 40 to 7! WOW! So long for now,


Read more about the article Monday, September 30, 1968
I was elected president of Friends Youth

Monday, September 30, 1968

Journal: I was elected president of Friends Youth, and tonight we had our first executive meeting. Cathy Kruger (program chair), Arlene Perisho (Vice-President), Steve Stribling and Roger Emry, too (Social Chairman). We did get our programs planned for until December and a few other side things came up. I hope that this year our Friends Youth will really go places with God’s help! Tomorrow in World History, I give my first class presentation and am rather looking forward to it! (That kind of surprises me!) Well, today was fun but not necessarily exciting. Must go, as it is past my bedtime! Goodnight,


Read more about the article Saturday, September 21, 1968
So much has happened today!

Saturday, September 21, 1968

Journal: So much has happened today! We had our annual Friends Youth Banquet – it was really great! Pat Shearin sang, “I Believe.” Patsy is a really great singer. Reverend Oscar Brown of the Medford Friends Church was our speaker – and a really great one, too! The decorations really looked pretty nice, too.

Last night the Phoenix varsity football team beat St. Mary’s, 20 to 7! Now we have lost one game to Brookings and have won one! Chuck Crane (32, a junior) really came on strong for the Phoenix Pirates in the first half. It was a really great game – especially since we won! Mike Enright told me he would sign my annual for me, so I guess I’ll take my annual to school Monday! So long for now,


Read more about the article Tuesday, September 3, 1968
So much has happened today!

Tuesday, September 3, 1968

Journal: So much has happened today! The beige dress that Mom gave me (I simply cannot wear beige!) I dyed a dark pink. It is kind of splotchy yet though, so I will have to dye it again. Mrs. Tingle (a new woman at our church) called up today and wanted me to babysit for her for four days, three hours a day. There is Pam (10), Richard (8), and Missy who is only 4. They are pretty good all in all. Tonight we had our very first youth Bible study with Pat Perisho as leader. There were only three here tonight – Cathy Kruger, Priscilla Perisho, and me. It was very interesting and helpful. I hope we can get more kids to come but also that we will just keep on one subject of study so as not to get distracted, or the Bible study will be useless. It must be all for God. Well, so long for now!


Read more about the article Sunday, September 1, 1968
Well! You'll never guess!

Sunday, September 1, 1968

Journal: Well! You’ll never guess! I talked to Pat Perisho after church today, and  she really got us going for our youth Bible study group. The first meeting will be this coming Tuesday at my house from 7 to 8 p.m. This is so exciting – we just might be on the start of something big with God’s help! This morning before Sunday school, I cleaned up my room so that it at least looks presentable! (Would you believe?) Becky Addington stopped by for a short time this afternoon. We had a pretty nice visit. Well, I will be babysitting for Frank and Merrylee Kruger most of tomorrow. With the money I get from that and also from Lily, I can get something for school. Well, so long for now!


Read more about the article Monday, August 26, 1968
Hi! Aunt Lorraine hasn't come yet

Monday, August 26, 1968

Journal: Hi! Aunt Lorraine hasn’t come yet, but she will probably be here tomorrow! God is really moving, and if our Friends Youth starts working together, we will really get somewhere. Becky Addington came over today, and we were able to resolve our differences that we might work together in making something of our youth group with God’s help. Art Perisho (one of our sponsors) came over this evening, and we also talked a little about this. It is almost time to act – the part I usually fail, but with God’s help, keeping in the center of His will and with constant prayer, maybe I can help in the action, too. It will only be as God works through me though. This last week of letting God work in my life has led me to see the moving of God in a small way. You know, I sure am glad I went to the Nazarene church camp because otherwise I might not have been able to get so close to Jesus, but that battle is just beginning – I must keep on praying! Well, so long for now!


Read more about the article Sunday, August 25, 1968
Hi! Since Aunt Jena, Uncle Jim, Larry & Steve

Sunday, August 25, 1968

Journal: Hi! Since Aunt Jena, Uncle Jim, Larry and Steve Ciccato (my aunt, uncle, and cousins) were here from San Francisco visiting at Yreka, we went to see them, as I hadn’t been able to see them, as I got home too late. Steve and Larry are really cute! Larry is so tall, you almost wouldn’t believe that Steve is the older of the two. Steve is about 16, and Larry is 15. This evening was a real good one for Friends Youth. Denise Dawson gave the lesson, and it was the best we’ve had for a long time. I was talking to Pat Perisho (one of our youth sponsors) and we might be able to unite our youth group spiritually yet. I must remember to keep on praying as it will take a lot of effort, patience, and time. Our youth group might yet become vital in Christ if we all work together. We (Ike, Mom, and I) bought a songbook tonight published by Barclay Press of songs written by Quakers. There are a couple of real neat ones by Herschel Thornburg – traveling gospel musician and artist. He’s really cool! Well, Aunt Lorraine hasn’t come for me yet, so I’ll probably be home most of tomorrow. I still have to pack and everything though. I doubt if I will take this journal along. So long for now!


Read more about the article Saturday, August 24, 1968
Hi! Long time no see! Went to the Nazarene church camp

Saturday, August 24, 1968

Journal: Hi! Long time no see! Went to the Nazarene church camp with Pat Shearin and really had a ball. There were lots of Christian kids there with which I enjoyed fellowship (and friendship). Everyone had such a unity of spiritual things. Something we don’t have in our church youth, but I hope we will be able to acquire it. Truly – with God, ALL things are possible. That is why I have to remember to live my life in constant prayer. Met some real neat kids there — Wayne Walker, Craig Trig, Mike Nadine, LeeAnn Peterson, Ursula Stykie – to name just a few. I got to quiz for the first time in my life, and it was heaps of fun, even if I did bomb out! When I finally caught on to quizzing, camp was over! I feel that I could really help FY (Friends Youth) if I (thru Christ) became president, but it all depends on if it is the Lord’s will. If elected, I’ll really have to keep in touch with Christ to make our group go. So long for now!


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