Read more about the article Sunday, October 6, 1968
Today was the Talent Friends Church 25th anniversary.

Sunday, October 6, 1968

Journal: Today was the Talent Friends Church 25th anniversary. There were some real challenging thoughts given in the morning service by Supt. Jack Wilcuts and also in the evening service by Rev. Clark Smith. I keep praying that Jesus will work in our youth group, but at times it really does seem rather futile. I guess Satan gave me that idea. Brother! Well, yesterday was the 1st day of hunting season, and the 1st time I ever went hunting. All I saw though was 9 (does and fawns drat it!) deer. The only buck I saw was a dead one being taken out!

Friday night we played Illinois Valley, but I had to go to bed early and didn’t get to go to the game. This coming Friday night, we play Lakeview, (Homecoming) our toughest game as it will probably decide who gets the Rogue League title. I sure do hope we win! Above is an article on our game with Illinois Valley (around Butte Falls area). We really stomped them – 40 to 7! WOW! So long for now,


Read more about the article Friday, October 4, 1968
Phoenix Pirates Overpower Illinois Valley Gridders

Friday, October 4, 1968

Phoenix Pirates Overpower Illinois Valley Gridders

PHOENIX – Hard work does pay off. The Phoenix High Pirates proved that when they roared over the Illinois Valley Cougars 40–7 here Friday in a Rogue League football game.

Earlier in the week Phoenix Coach Jack Woodward reported that he was working on giving more variety to the offense. The results showed Friday as the Pirates did almost everything while gaining their big margin.

They were in front 13–0 at halftime. Then went to town in the third period, scoring three touchdowns to lead 33–0. Both clubs tallied in the first quarter.

Running chores were more divided this week with fullback Terry Phillips gaining 112 yards on 15 carries. Bruce Workman raced for 75 yards on 13 carries.

Scoring honors were also shared with Chuck Crane running for two and passing for one touchdown and Workman, Phillips and Mike McGinley each running for one TD.

The Cougars were held scoreless until the final minutes. Then Dennis Lawrence passed to Tad Dierkes for a goal.

The Pirates scored the first two times they got the ball. Phoenix took a punt on its own 35. In 11 plays the Pirates moved to touchdown land with Workman taking it to the last yard midway through the period. Phillips kicked the extra point.

The Cougars were forced to punt again in the first period and the Pirates took over on the 34. Illinois Valley’s defense got tough and the Pirates couldn’t move the ball.

The Pirates were forced to punt. Phillips kicked and was knocked to the ground. Roughing the kicker penalty gave the Pirates the ball on the Cougar 46-yard line.

Crane swept around the left end for the touchdown with five seconds left in the period.

Held Scoreless

A fumble and penalties hurt the Pirates in the second period. But they came to life in the third. They took the opening kickoff, marching 60 yards to a touchdown. Crane took it the last two yards and Phillips booted the extra point.

Mintues later the Pirates scored again. The Phoenix line held the Cougars, forcing them to punt. Phillips gathered in the ball on his own 15. He headed for the sideline and took off. On about the Cougar 40 he was cut across the field and had clear sailing. His kick for extra point was true.

A pass interception by Pat Wolfe started the Pirates on their next TD drive. Wolfe snared the ball on his own 35. Nine plays later Crane tossed to Phillips. The play was good for 41 yards and a touchdown.

Pass Intercepted

The Pirates final TD came after a pass interception put them on their own 25. They moved the 75 yards in nine plays with McGinley scoring from five yards out. McGinley had one gain of 39 yards.

Two 15-yard calls on Phoenix put the Cougars on the Pirates’ 20 yard line. Then with 1:07 left in the game the Cougars hit paydirt.

The victory left the Pirates with a 3–0 mark in league play. They and Lakeview are tied for the lead. Illinois Valley now has a 1–2 mark.

Read more about the article Thursday, October 3, 1968
Hi! School life goes on as ever

Thursday, October 3, 1968

Journal: Hi! School life goes on as ever – not dull but not real exciting either. I’m coming along all right in typing – I like to type as it is kind of fun! I get to go hunting for the first time in my life this Saturday with Ike – I think that will be so groovey! World History was rather embarrassing today, but it sure was funny! (unfortunately!) We play Illinois Valley here tomorrow night; I’d like to go, but I get to go hunting the next day, so I will need all the sleep I can get. Must go set my hair now – nighty night!


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