Saturday, August 31, 1968

Journal: On this last day of August, things were really “hopping.” I worked for Mrs. Lily Welburn for an hour this morning. Ike painted the shelves he made for Mom when the water heater used to be in the kitchen. This afternoon we went to Grants Pass for dinner at Bud and LaVaugn’s. The whole (from Oregon anyway) family was there, and it was pretty nice. I got to drive as far as Medford. (Ah well, better luck next time!) Tonight when we got home, there was a real neat movie starring Bob Hope. It was called Cassanova’s Big Night, really rather cute. Well, so long – hey, by the way, there is only one more week till school starts!


Thursday, August 29, 1968

Journal: I registered in high school today. Man! I really have some swinging classes. Mr. Kannasto (oh no) will be teaching chorus, which I have 1st period. What a way to start a day! I have Mr. Davis 3rd period for Biology. He was okay as a 7th grade science teacher (although a little tough) I guess. I get late lunch again this year, which I really like. Mom and I also stopped at the Phoenix Drug Store to buy Aunt LaVaugn a birthday present. We got her some Friendship Garden cologne, which is really groovey. We are going to Grants Pass for a birthday dinner for Aunt LaVaugn and Frank (Krugers). It ought to be fun. Well, today I worked on my blue dress for a little while. Guess that’s all for now –


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