Read more about the article Sunday, September 1, 1968
Well! You'll never guess!

Sunday, September 1, 1968

Journal: Well! You’ll never guess! I talked to Pat Perisho after church today, and  she really got us going for our youth Bible study group. The first meeting will be this coming Tuesday at my house from 7 to 8 p.m. This is so exciting – we just might be on the start of something big with God’s help! This morning before Sunday school, I cleaned up my room so that it at least looks presentable! (Would you believe?) Becky Addington stopped by for a short time this afternoon. We had a pretty nice visit. Well, I will be babysitting for Frank and Merrylee Kruger most of tomorrow. With the money I get from that and also from Lily, I can get something for school. Well, so long for now!


Saturday, August 31, 1968

Journal: On this last day of August, things were really “hopping.” I worked for Mrs. Lily Welburn for an hour this morning. Ike painted the shelves he made for Mom when the water heater used to be in the kitchen. This afternoon we went to Grants Pass for dinner at Bud and LaVaugn’s. The whole (from Oregon anyway) family was there, and it was pretty nice. I got to drive as far as Medford. (Ah well, better luck next time!) Tonight when we got home, there was a real neat movie starring Bob Hope. It was called Cassanova’s Big Night, really rather cute. Well, so long – hey, by the way, there is only one more week till school starts!


Read more about the article Saturday, August 17, 1968
This morning I worked an hour for Lilly Welburn.

Saturday, August 17, 1968

Journal: This morning I worked an hour for Lilly Welburn. I won’t work again for two weeks – after I get back from Aunt Lorraine’s. Well, Karen Cox came over for a couple of hours today, and we had a nice visit. She lent me Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. It’s a very interesting book. Sharon Rood once told me she didn’t think a girl should marry until she had read the book. I am now reading it to see if Sharon has a good reason for her statement and also because I have heard about the book. There is a rather old movie of the book with Clark Gable as Rhett Butler. Clark Gable is a real neat guy (of my mother’s generation), so I sure would like to see that movie! Karen Cox saw it with her class when she lived back east in Maryland. I got a letter from Sherri Davis, too. Well, I must finish my packing now, as I go to Patsy’s tomorrow. I will leave this journal home to be continued when I return – if I have time before Aunt Lorraine comes, that is. So long for now!


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