Read more about the article Tuesday, August 27, 1968
Today I did very little except read.

Tuesday, August 27, 1968

Journal: Today I did very little except read. The day was really wasted. I hope maybe tomorrow to do my ironing and the like. Aunt Lorraine hasn’t come for me yet, so I feel that it is relatively safe to say that she won’t come for me. Even if she does, it is almost time for school to start, and we have a few things to do. There is a dress I would like to make for school – a blue with a high yoke and puffy short sleeves. I guess I had better start it tomorrow, so I can get it done before the first day of school. So long for now!


Read more about the article Monday, August 26, 1968
Hi! Aunt Lorraine hasn't come yet

Monday, August 26, 1968

Journal: Hi! Aunt Lorraine hasn’t come yet, but she will probably be here tomorrow! God is really moving, and if our Friends Youth starts working together, we will really get somewhere. Becky Addington came over today, and we were able to resolve our differences that we might work together in making something of our youth group with God’s help. Art Perisho (one of our sponsors) came over this evening, and we also talked a little about this. It is almost time to act – the part I usually fail, but with God’s help, keeping in the center of His will and with constant prayer, maybe I can help in the action, too. It will only be as God works through me though. This last week of letting God work in my life has led me to see the moving of God in a small way. You know, I sure am glad I went to the Nazarene church camp because otherwise I might not have been able to get so close to Jesus, but that battle is just beginning – I must keep on praying! Well, so long for now!


Read more about the article Sunday, August 25, 1968
Hi! Since Aunt Jena, Uncle Jim, Larry & Steve

Sunday, August 25, 1968

Journal: Hi! Since Aunt Jena, Uncle Jim, Larry and Steve Ciccato (my aunt, uncle, and cousins) were here from San Francisco visiting at Yreka, we went to see them, as I hadn’t been able to see them, as I got home too late. Steve and Larry are really cute! Larry is so tall, you almost wouldn’t believe that Steve is the older of the two. Steve is about 16, and Larry is 15. This evening was a real good one for Friends Youth. Denise Dawson gave the lesson, and it was the best we’ve had for a long time. I was talking to Pat Perisho (one of our youth sponsors) and we might be able to unite our youth group spiritually yet. I must remember to keep on praying as it will take a lot of effort, patience, and time. Our youth group might yet become vital in Christ if we all work together. We (Ike, Mom, and I) bought a songbook tonight published by Barclay Press of songs written by Quakers. There are a couple of real neat ones by Herschel Thornburg – traveling gospel musician and artist. He’s really cool! Well, Aunt Lorraine hasn’t come for me yet, so I’ll probably be home most of tomorrow. I still have to pack and everything though. I doubt if I will take this journal along. So long for now!


Read more about the article Saturday, August 17, 1968
This morning I worked an hour for Lilly Welburn.

Saturday, August 17, 1968

Journal: This morning I worked an hour for Lilly Welburn. I won’t work again for two weeks – after I get back from Aunt Lorraine’s. Well, Karen Cox came over for a couple of hours today, and we had a nice visit. She lent me Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. It’s a very interesting book. Sharon Rood once told me she didn’t think a girl should marry until she had read the book. I am now reading it to see if Sharon has a good reason for her statement and also because I have heard about the book. There is a rather old movie of the book with Clark Gable as Rhett Butler. Clark Gable is a real neat guy (of my mother’s generation), so I sure would like to see that movie! Karen Cox saw it with her class when she lived back east in Maryland. I got a letter from Sherri Davis, too. Well, I must finish my packing now, as I go to Patsy’s tomorrow. I will leave this journal home to be continued when I return – if I have time before Aunt Lorraine comes, that is. So long for now!


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