Read more about the article Tuesday, September 3, 1968
So much has happened today!

Tuesday, September 3, 1968

Journal: So much has happened today! The beige dress that Mom gave me (I simply cannot wear beige!) I dyed a dark pink. It is kind of splotchy yet though, so I will have to dye it again. Mrs. Tingle (a new woman at our church) called up today and wanted me to babysit for her for four days, three hours a day. There is Pam (10), Richard (8), and Missy who is only 4. They are pretty good all in all. Tonight we had our very first youth Bible study with Pat Perisho as leader. There were only three here tonight – Cathy Kruger, Priscilla Perisho, and me. It was very interesting and helpful. I hope we can get more kids to come but also that we will just keep on one subject of study so as not to get distracted, or the Bible study will be useless. It must be all for God. Well, so long for now!


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