Read more about the article Wednesday, October 9, 1968
Guess what! Ike got his deer!

Wednesday, October 9, 1968

Journal: Guess what! Ike got his deer! It’s a rather small one, but it’s better than nothing at all. I went to prayer meeting tonight – you know, you really can’t go by feelings when it comes to faith! Teresa Emry, who is only four, can print her own name now. Roger’s birthday is tomorrow. So long for now!


Read more about the article Thursday, October 3, 1968
Hi! School life goes on as ever

Thursday, October 3, 1968

Journal: Hi! School life goes on as ever – not dull but not real exciting either. I’m coming along all right in typing – I like to type as it is kind of fun! I get to go hunting for the first time in my life this Saturday with Ike – I think that will be so groovey! World History was rather embarrassing today, but it sure was funny! (unfortunately!) We play Illinois Valley here tomorrow night; I’d like to go, but I get to go hunting the next day, so I will need all the sleep I can get. Must go set my hair now – nighty night!


Read more about the article Sunday, September 29, 1968
Yesterday, Ike and I went out to shoot the rifle

Sunday, September 29, 1968

Journal: Yesterday, Ike and I went out to shoot the rifle – this is only Sunday morning, but I clipped something out of this morning’s paper I thought you might be interested in. Friday night, we played Eagle Point Eagles at Eagle Point and won, 14 to 12. I wasn’t at the game, but it really sounded exciting, according to article! Article at top of page. Sophomore John Sweeny got mentioned – the beautiful red-head! So long for now–


Saturday, August 31, 1968

Journal: On this last day of August, things were really “hopping.” I worked for Mrs. Lily Welburn for an hour this morning. Ike painted the shelves he made for Mom when the water heater used to be in the kitchen. This afternoon we went to Grants Pass for dinner at Bud and LaVaugn’s. The whole (from Oregon anyway) family was there, and it was pretty nice. I got to drive as far as Medford. (Ah well, better luck next time!) Tonight when we got home, there was a real neat movie starring Bob Hope. It was called Cassanova’s Big Night, really rather cute. Well, so long – hey, by the way, there is only one more week till school starts!


Read more about the article Sunday, August 25, 1968
Hi! Since Aunt Jena, Uncle Jim, Larry & Steve

Sunday, August 25, 1968

Journal: Hi! Since Aunt Jena, Uncle Jim, Larry and Steve Ciccato (my aunt, uncle, and cousins) were here from San Francisco visiting at Yreka, we went to see them, as I hadn’t been able to see them, as I got home too late. Steve and Larry are really cute! Larry is so tall, you almost wouldn’t believe that Steve is the older of the two. Steve is about 16, and Larry is 15. This evening was a real good one for Friends Youth. Denise Dawson gave the lesson, and it was the best we’ve had for a long time. I was talking to Pat Perisho (one of our youth sponsors) and we might be able to unite our youth group spiritually yet. I must remember to keep on praying as it will take a lot of effort, patience, and time. Our youth group might yet become vital in Christ if we all work together. We (Ike, Mom, and I) bought a songbook tonight published by Barclay Press of songs written by Quakers. There are a couple of real neat ones by Herschel Thornburg – traveling gospel musician and artist. He’s really cool! Well, Aunt Lorraine hasn’t come for me yet, so I’ll probably be home most of tomorrow. I still have to pack and everything though. I doubt if I will take this journal along. So long for now!


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