Read more about the article Saturday, September 21, 1968
So much has happened today!

Saturday, September 21, 1968

Journal: So much has happened today! We had our annual Friends Youth Banquet – it was really great! Pat Shearin sang, “I Believe.” Patsy is a really great singer. Reverend Oscar Brown of the Medford Friends Church was our speaker – and a really great one, too! The decorations really looked pretty nice, too.

Last night the Phoenix varsity football team beat St. Mary’s, 20 to 7! Now we have lost one game to Brookings and have won one! Chuck Crane (32, a junior) really came on strong for the Phoenix Pirates in the first half. It was a really great game – especially since we won! Mike Enright told me he would sign my annual for me, so I guess I’ll take my annual to school Monday! So long for now,


Read more about the article Saturday, August 24, 1968
Hi! Long time no see! Went to the Nazarene church camp

Saturday, August 24, 1968

Journal: Hi! Long time no see! Went to the Nazarene church camp with Pat Shearin and really had a ball. There were lots of Christian kids there with which I enjoyed fellowship (and friendship). Everyone had such a unity of spiritual things. Something we don’t have in our church youth, but I hope we will be able to acquire it. Truly – with God, ALL things are possible. That is why I have to remember to live my life in constant prayer. Met some real neat kids there — Wayne Walker, Craig Trig, Mike Nadine, LeeAnn Peterson, Ursula Stykie – to name just a few. I got to quiz for the first time in my life, and it was heaps of fun, even if I did bomb out! When I finally caught on to quizzing, camp was over! I feel that I could really help FY (Friends Youth) if I (thru Christ) became president, but it all depends on if it is the Lord’s will. If elected, I’ll really have to keep in touch with Christ to make our group go. So long for now!


Read more about the article Saturday, August 17, 1968
This morning I worked an hour for Lilly Welburn.

Saturday, August 17, 1968

Journal: This morning I worked an hour for Lilly Welburn. I won’t work again for two weeks – after I get back from Aunt Lorraine’s. Well, Karen Cox came over for a couple of hours today, and we had a nice visit. She lent me Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. It’s a very interesting book. Sharon Rood once told me she didn’t think a girl should marry until she had read the book. I am now reading it to see if Sharon has a good reason for her statement and also because I have heard about the book. There is a rather old movie of the book with Clark Gable as Rhett Butler. Clark Gable is a real neat guy (of my mother’s generation), so I sure would like to see that movie! Karen Cox saw it with her class when she lived back east in Maryland. I got a letter from Sherri Davis, too. Well, I must finish my packing now, as I go to Patsy’s tomorrow. I will leave this journal home to be continued when I return – if I have time before Aunt Lorraine comes, that is. So long for now!


Read more about the article Friday, August 16, 1968
Nothing real exciting has happened yet but there is some news to tell.

Friday, August 16, 1968

Journal: Nothing real exciting has happened yet, but there is some news to tell. Karen Cox just called me, and I guess the whole family is down from Myrtle Creek visiting at her grandparents. Dan Emry is there, too, so Karen will have a chance to get better acquainted, that is if Judy McIntire doesn’t mind. A wee bit of cattyness there as Judy is Dan’s girlfriend for whom I feel little sympathy. Judy & I are of two different worlds. Tonight the movie, A Shot in the Dark with Peter Sellers is on. It ought to be good as Peter Sellers plays a dumb, fumbling detective who somehow manages to catch his man.

I also packed for camp today – I’m going to a Nazarene church camp with Patsy Shearin. So long for now!


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