Read more about the article Monday, September 9, 1968
Today was the first day of school

Monday, September 9, 1968

Journal: Today was the first day of school – really neat! I wore my 4-H green jumper and blouse with my baby doll shoes. Say, Allen Shearin is in two of my classes, and he is a senior! Real neat. There will be a revival this year as God is working in our student executive council. It will be such a great year! Tonight we had a small meeting for the banquet – I can feel Satan trying to destroy it, but God is bigger, so our banquet, through Christ, should be really great! Dan Emry is changing – starting to be led by the Holy Spirit. I must still pray for him and Judy that they might be better off because of it. Dan is my friend – I know that for sure now, but I don’t want Judy mad at me, so will have to be very careful. God is leading in such a wonderful way in so many things. I must be faithful to do my part (no matter how small!) Sometimes I get such a swelled head. I get sick of me along with others! God can help me! I know He is so very REAL! So long for now!


P.S. Got a real neat letter from Ursula Stienke today – real cute! So long!

Read more about the article Saturday, August 24, 1968
Hi! Long time no see! Went to the Nazarene church camp

Saturday, August 24, 1968

Journal: Hi! Long time no see! Went to the Nazarene church camp with Pat Shearin and really had a ball. There were lots of Christian kids there with which I enjoyed fellowship (and friendship). Everyone had such a unity of spiritual things. Something we don’t have in our church youth, but I hope we will be able to acquire it. Truly – with God, ALL things are possible. That is why I have to remember to live my life in constant prayer. Met some real neat kids there — Wayne Walker, Craig Trig, Mike Nadine, LeeAnn Peterson, Ursula Stykie – to name just a few. I got to quiz for the first time in my life, and it was heaps of fun, even if I did bomb out! When I finally caught on to quizzing, camp was over! I feel that I could really help FY (Friends Youth) if I (thru Christ) became president, but it all depends on if it is the Lord’s will. If elected, I’ll really have to keep in touch with Christ to make our group go. So long for now!


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